Senator Stephen Owens - 31st Senate District
I am truly honored to run to be your Kansas Senator in the 31st District. For the first time in 44 years, the 31st is represented by a solid conservative who will honor those values in Topeka.
I now serve on the following committees:
- Chairman - Kansas Truth Caucus (https://www.kansastruthcaucus.org/)
Vice-Chairman - Commerce Committee
Member: Public Health, Taxation & Senate Ways and Means Committee
The core principles by which I operate are:
- Limited Government - More government is never the answer.
- Individual Liberty - Liberty is all to often a casualty of to much government.
- Free Enterprise - Let our business operate with minimal interference.
- Traditional Values - The family is the core unit of society. We must protect its integrity!
I welcome the opportunity to hear from you. If you have a question, comment or concern, don't hesitate to contact me.

Pro-Family - Pro-Business - Pro-KANSAS
Senate District 31
Including the towns of Hesston, Halstead, Burrton, Newton, Sedgwick, Park City, Valley Center, Kechi, Bentley and Mt. Hope!
For more information about the map, please click on it and download a higher resolution copy of the map.